Central Bank of India, a public sector bank recruiting specialist officers.

IT Officer
(Scale I)
B.E./B.Tech or M.Sc.(or Equivalent) Degree in Computer Science or Communication or Electronics with Computer Science as one of the subjects or MCS or MCA.

Law officer (Scale II)
A Bachelor Degree in Law (LLB) with not less than 50% Marks. Additional qualification of Post Graduate Degree in Law (LLM). CAIIB/MBA may be considered in preference to other candidates.
Experience: 5 years Experience of practice at Bar or Judicial service and/or Law Officer in the Legal Dept. of a reputed Bank or the Central/State Government or of a Public Sector Undertaking with practice at Bar for a minimum period of three years.

For Scale I- 21-30 years
For Scale II- 21-35 years

Pay scale:
Scale I- Rs. 14500-600/7-18700-700/2-20100-800/7-25700
Scale II- Rs. 19400-700/1-20100-800/10-28100

Selection process: Selection will be on the basis of Written Test and/or Group Discussions, Interview depending on the number of applications received for each post.

How to apply: Candidates are required to apply online . No other means /mode of applications will be accepted. Application link from website will be open from November 5 to November 25, 2011.

Download Fee Pay receipt

Last date: November 25, 2011