The Civil Service Exam is the gate way to some of most prestigious positions in the Indian Government. But the incredible status associated with people in this field has given birth to numerous halfbaked truths, which makes things difficult for the aspirants and creates a sense of awe in them. In order to have the best chance at clearing the exam, aspirants need to be aware of reality so that they can channelize their efforst in the most fprodcutive way possible. Some of the common myths are

Myth: Only extremely intelligent candidates with outstanding academic records crack the CSE.

Reality: Mr. A K Mishra, Direcotr, Chnakaya IAS Academy says” Don’t worry if you do not have an exceptional academic record. This is not the only criterion for evaluation. UPSC is a great leveler. It doesn’t even have a minimum percentage crieterion”

Myth: One should sart preparing for the mains only after giving the prelims.

Reality: Mains is conducted around three months after the prelims. For the most students, three months are not enough for mains preparation

Myth:  Candidates  who are not good in English will fare badly in CSE

Reality: “This is a misconception. There are candistes, not only from Hindi, but from other backgrounds also, who qualify in large numbers every year. A candiste who is not good in English is in no way disadvanataged” says VP Gupta Director, Rau’s IAS Study Circle.

DrPrashanth, Faculty, Chanakya Academy , who cleared the CSE this year, reiterates this opinion” In the main form, there is a colum htat asks which language you want ot tive the interview in. Atraslator is then bourhgt in based on your preferences. Also, after the selection, a special language training session is held in Mussoorie”

Myths: More the couse material, better your chances of success

Reality: Collecting the couse mateireial won’t help unless you know the matter weill. Prelims(ojective type emxa) evaluate you on the bassis of analytical capabilities. It requreis ‘horizontal preparion’. Which means you should know something about every thing. So read more books and gain information on varied topics. In mains(Sujective exam), detailed knowledge on certain topics is mperagive. Follow a ‘vertical approach’. Which menas you must lean about hour subjects in depth. Thorough reading is essential,”. Advises Dr. Prashant.

Myth: CSE Class room-Coaching is long enough, and doesn’t require you to study on your own

Reality: This is the most common myth. Rau’s provides the courses fro around four and half months. Cahanakaya’s prelims programme is a three month course, and thre is alos a 40 day mains crash course. Spending a few months in a coaching class might not gurantee success. “ coaching and guidance are no doubt helpful, but along with this, self study is essential to ensure success”